September UPDATE - Optimization and balance changes

Good day everyone!

After my recent post about minion ai, i decided to upload a new build which contains an optimization pass, various balance changes, audio and visual improvements.

As for the gameplay changes, i made enemies able to avoid each other, so they won't line up like ducks anymore. Since the game became faster over the years of development, Mutant enemies felt a bit outdated on what they can do, so as a first step i've increased their HP which means they will more likely get to you before you can take them down.

I was also quite unhappy about how easily you can ramp up your damage on various high tick rate spells by adding flat damage from your gear, so i penalized this bonus, and while you still get full benefit of their secondary effects the flat damage they receive will only work at 10% effectiveness. These skills are Chakram, Starfall, Frost Orb and every version of triggered novas.

In the other hand, ignite can stack now, gaining a maximum of 10 damage per second per stack, up to 10 stacks. This is to make weapons with low fire damage more useful. As a part of this change, chill will also get a maximum of 10% effectiveness per stack, and it is also limited to 10 stacks per enemy, for a maximum of 95% effectiveness.

I also wanted to encourage players using their scraps to improve their items, so i lowered the disenchant cost of the upgrade station, upgrades still cost as much as before, but at least it won't be as costy to try again with a failed enchant.

Small chests got a buff too, they'll drop weapons and jewelry more likely than other sources.

Thats it for now, you can read the full list of changes below.

Until next time!

- General optimization pass.

- Enemy collision avoidance.

- Sewers monster density increased.

- Small chests can drop weapons and jewelry more often.

- Mutants HP was increased (including all variants).

- The Caretaker got his resistances, movement and attack speed increased.

- Implemented effectiveness of added damage, and it is penalized by skill damage frequency, and number of fragments if it's cast as a nova.

- Ignite can stack. 

- All stackable sfx has a maximum of 10 stacks. Damage over time effects will increase by a maximum of 10 damage per stack, and chill effectiveness will increase by a maximum of 10% per stack.

- Disenchant cost got reduced.

- Warehouse combat OST overhaul.

Files 733 MB
Sep 12, 2024

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