Hi everyone! Almost 3 months passed by the last update, and while new content is in the works it's not ready yet, but i've made some impactful balance changes w...
Greetings! I'm putting up a new build a bit early as i'm sure i'll be pretty busy next month, but wanna share some interesting stuff with you. Some technical st...
Welcome! As a result of my modifications on how novas are originating from enemies large enemies seemed to shoot these novas over small enemies, which defeated...
Greetings! October is here and so is the new update! Many improvements were made, and some of them are game changing, so let's talk about item balance at first...
Good day everyone! After my recent post about minion ai, i decided to upload a new build which contains an optimization pass, various balance changes, audio and...
Greetings everyone! The long awaited devlog about how the ai of my minions work is here! I was thinking about how this topic should be communicated and i decide...
Hi everyone! First off the development of minions are going well, and while they are still not quite ready i decided to upload a new build with another highly r...
Greeting everyone! While the development of the first minion skill is going very well it's still not in a state i'm comfortable to release yet, but there are pl...