Baby steps towards a more polished game


No major content update this time, but some polish on the core game, such as tweaking the frequency of the combat music with low fire rate weapons, so you'll hear those more often even if you choose to use them.

Speaking of weapons, i've implemented the possibility to adjust inherent sfx (short term for secondary effects) of some weapons, increasing their reliability, for example Plasma Pistols will cause distortion more often than any other base, which can be further improved by your skills and gear.

Chill effect got more effective, starting at 50% decrease in action speed if you can successfully apply it on an enemy, stacking up to 95%.

There are some bug fixes as well, as there was a nasty navigation issue in one of the city level asset which will no longer present, and a UI fix for the item compare panel which happened when the Upgrade panel was active.

I really hope you enjoy this update, and i would be more than happy to hear some feedback on it!

Files 796 MB
Feb 09, 2024

Get Alterworld

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